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About Us





Commanding Officer - Lt(N) Heather Willis


Executive Officer - Lt(N) Ed Majewski


Training Officer - SLt Darryl McFee


Administration Officer - A/SLt Roger Cormier


Supply Officer - CI Denise Mercer



If you are interested in helping out please come in and talk to us.



Q:  What is Sea Cadets?

A:  Sea Cadets is a federally-sponsored youth organization for those who are interested in outdoor, adventurous activities and meeting new people.  We provide opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else.


Q:  What do Sea Cadets do?
A:  Sea Cadets participate in a wide variety of activities.  Cadets focus on leadership, citizenship, physical fitness, marksmanship, and adventurous activities.  There is also a focus on military skills including drill, seamanship, and nautical skills.  There are also opportunities for the cadets to attend summer training and travel abroad during the training year. 


Q:  How much does the program cost?
A:  Cadets is a free program, and there is no cost to join. We provide cadets with their uniforms and with any other equipment they may need. Cadets will however be asked to participate in fundraising activities to support their cadet corps, and help fund some of the extra activities we participate in, such as scubs diving, national/international trips


Q:  How often do cadets meet?

A:  Cadets meet once a week on Tuesday evenings from September until the end of May. We also have an optional range practice on Thursday nights for those that wish to be a member of the marksmanship or biathlon teams or just want to learn the skills.




Q:  How old do I need to be to join?

A:  You can join as soon as you are 12 years old and can stay until you reach your 19th birthday.


Q:  What do I need in order to join?

A:  If you decide to join cadets we’re going to require some information including a completed cadet application form. When you come down to join please bring the following documents:

  • Proof of health insurance (OHIP card or Private insurance provider)

  • Proof of age (valid Canadian Passport, birth certificate, or Government Issued ID card)

  • Proof of permanent residence or visas that allow you to reside in Canada for an extended period of time (non-citizens only) 

  • Application for membership (CF-1158), printed on legal sized paper, completed and signed by both parent/guardian and cadet

National cadet website 

Canadian Forces website

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